Ugandans residing in the United Kingdom are spearheading a relentless wave of protests, demanding an immediate halt to Western countries’ dealings with and funding of African...
After 4 days of incommunicado detention at a military facility, Swabrah Kiganda has been charged with terrorism and released on police bond. She has such a...
Officials in Somalia say Al-Shabab militants early Friday stormed a military base manned by African Union forces from Uganda, multiple sources said.The dawn attack took place...
The opposition National Unity Platform party leadership has condemned the abduction of Ms. Swabrah Kiganda Owomukisa, a president of the party online media crew whose whereabouts...
The Kampala District Woman Member of Parliament Hon. Shamim Malende has threatened to table a bill tasking government to urgently address the welfare, salary and arrears...
The Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) General Wilson Mbasu Mbadi has asked junior officers to avoid excitement and great expectations that they can earn the same...
It was a third day of shame as Gen. Yoweri Museveni embarked on his Masaka tour as he aims at recovering the lost love in Buganda...
There was drama yesterday in Masaka district after Bukoto South lawmaker Dr. Twaha Kagabo who has turned out to be a wandering fly was bounced by...
By Daniel Lutaaya The Museveni regime in Uganda has been perpetrating a series of human rights violations and atrocities against its own citizens, particularly young women...
Police in Kassanda district are investigating circumstances under which a Police Constable attached to Makokoto police post turned a rifle on himself and ended his own...