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Bobi Wine thrills ‘New Yokers’ with touching address



On April 28, Uganda’s opposition figure and musician turned politician, @HEBobiwine, addressed the diaspora community in New York about what he calls the dictatorship of President @KagutaMuseveni.

Speaking at a church in Brooklyn where Nelson Mandela spoke about the need for democracy and freedom in South Africa, Kyagulanyi urged everyone in the diaspora to stand up against oppression and tyranny in Uganda.

He also criticized the recent brutality on MPs, activists, and opposition politicians, including his brother and @NUP_Ug leader Fred Nyanzi, citing that these are tactics to muzzle dissent and discourage political opposition, calling on the international community not to ignore Uganda’s abuses and support the people’s struggle for democracy and a just society.

His speech was met with cheers and applause from the crowd, many of whom expressed their solidarity with the people of Uganda in their quest for freedom and justice and his vision of a better Uganda.

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Uganda: A Nation Held Hostage by a Military Regime



For nearly 40 years, Uganda has been shackled under the dictatorship of Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. He has worn the mask of democracy, deceiving the world, while Ugandans suffered under the weight of military oppression. But now, the mask is off, and the truth is undeniable. Uganda is not a democracy—it is a military state, ruthlessly controlled by Museveni and his brutal son, General Muhoozi Kainerugaba.

The Death of Democracy

In a chilling declaration, Muhoozi, Museveni’s son and head of Uganda’s military, openly announced that no civilian will ever lead Uganda after his father. “The next leader,” he said, “will be a soldier or policeman.” This outrageous statement shatters any illusions of democracy in Uganda. The regime no longer even bothers to hide its true intentions: power will remain in the hands of the military, at the expense of the people.

But while Muhoozi and his father tighten their grip on power, innocent Ugandans demanding their rights are abducted, tortured, and murdered. The National Unity Platform (NUP) supporters, led by Bobi Wine, are being dragged before military courts simply for speaking out. The real criminals—the architects of this brutal dictatorship—continue to walk free.

A Betrayal of Uganda’s Youth

Uganda’s youth—the backbone of the nation—has been betrayed. Museveni’s regime has systematically destroyed their futures, leaving millions jobless, hopeless, and silenced. Uganda’s population is overwhelmingly young, yet these young voices are seen as a threat by the regime. Instead of hope, they are met with bullets.

But it is this generation, fearless and unbreakable, that is rising up. The youth, represented by leaders like Bobi Wine, have had enough. They are taking to the streets, demanding the democracy they have been denied for decades. Museveni fears this generation because he knows they hold the power to end his reign of terror.

Economic Sabotage: The Legacy of Museveni’s Corruption

Museveni has not just robbed Uganda of its democracy—he has also stolen its future. The country’s wealth is in the hands of a corrupt few, while millions of Ugandans struggle to survive. Foreign aid, meant to improve the lives of ordinary people, is siphoned off by a political elite that cares only about maintaining its iron grip on power.

Ugandans are being starved economically, their education and healthcare systems in ruins. Meanwhile, the regime continues to thrive on corruption, lining its pockets while ordinary citizens face grinding poverty. Museveni’s Uganda is a land of broken promises and shattered dreams.

Western Hypocrisy: The Funding of Oppression

But the true betrayal of the Ugandan people doesn’t end with Museveni and his son—it extends to the international community. America and other Western nations claim to stand for democracy and human rights, yet they are complicit in this dictatorship. How? By sending billions of dollars to prop up Museveni’s military regime.

The West speaks the language of freedom, but they fund tyranny. These governments and international organizations are fully aware of the atrocities committed under Museveni, yet they continue to support him with financial aid, military equipment, and political cover. This is the democracy they are funding—a democracy in name only, held together by bloodshed and fear.

Uganda Will Not Be Silenced

The time for silence is over. The time for complacency has passed. Museveni and his son have declared war on the people of Uganda, and the world must take notice. The international community must stop funding this regime and recognize it for what it is—a dictatorship disguised as a democracy.

The Ugandan people are rising. They are demanding their rights. They are fighting for their freedom. And they will not stop until they are heard.

A Global Call to Action

To the people of Uganda: Your strength is unmatched. Your fight for freedom will not be in vain. Keep rising, keep resisting, and never give up. The world is watching, and the regime’s days are numbered.

To the international community: Enough is enough. Stop funding the oppression of Uganda. Stop supporting a regime that murders, tortures, and silences its people. You cannot preach democracy while financing dictatorship.

The Fight for Freedom Continues

Uganda will be free. Museveni’s time is up. The youth, the women, the brave citizens of Uganda—they will lead this country to the freedom it deserves. And the world must stand with them.

Join the Movement. Demand Justice. Stop Supporting Tyranny.

What You Can Do

  • Raise your voice: Speak out against the atrocities in Uganda. Use your platform to expose the truth.
  • Pressure your governments: Demand an end to international funding of Museveni’s regime. Call for sanctions against those responsible for human rights abuses.
  • Support Ugandan activists: Stand in solidarity with the brave Ugandans fighting for their freedom. Share their stories, support their cause, and amplify their voices.

Uganda’s fight for freedom is not just their fight—it’s a fight for justice, democracy, and human rights everywhere. Will you stand with Uganda, or will you stand with dictatorship?

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Bobi Young and Akileo Kivumbi



The Makindye general court martial on the 1st of October 2024 again adjourned the bail hearing date for comrade Achileo Kivumbi to 15/10/2024, which is the same date that comrade Agaba Anthony aka Bobi Young will also be appearing for his bail hearing.

The persistent trial of civilians before the regime military court is an illegality that must be condemned by all Ugandans of good conscience.


A Call for Justice and Human Rights

Uganda, a country once full of promise, is now in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Decades of repression under the current regime have left the country grappling with a deteriorating state of democracy, human rights abuses, and political oppression. One of the most glaring issues is the unjust imprisonment of political dissidents—individuals whose only crime is demanding freedom, justice, and a better future for all Ugandans.

The Struggle for Freedom

For years, dissenting voices have been silenced in Uganda. Activists, opposition leaders, and ordinary citizens have been abducted, imprisoned, tortured, and, in some cases, killed simply for daring to speak out against the regime. Among these, supporters of the People Power Movement and the National Unity Platform (NUP) led by Bobi Wine have faced the harshest repression.

Political prisoners are being held without trial, subjected to inhumane conditions, and denied their basic rights, violating both Ugandan law and international human rights standards.

Who Are These Political Prisoners?

From prominent opposition leaders to unknown activists, many have been unjustly incarcerated. Some of the most notable cases include:

  • Supporters of Bobi Wine: Numerous activists supporting Bobi Wine’s political campaigns have been jailed on trumped-up charges or abducted, with their whereabouts unknown.
  • Journalists: Media practitioners who dare to expose the truth are often targeted, arrested, or threatened, stifling freedom of the press.
  • Human Rights Defenders: Lawyers, NGO workers, and activists fighting for justice and the rule of law have not been spared from the regime’s brutal crackdown.

Human Rights Violations Under the Current Regime

The Ugandan regime’s treatment of political prisoners has been condemned both locally and internationally. Reports of torture, forced confessions, and degrading treatment have surfaced, painting a grim picture of Uganda’s justice system. Political prisoners are denied access to legal representation, subjected to biased trials, and often held in undisclosed locations without any contact with their families.

The Ugandan government must be held accountable for these violations, and the international community must pressure the regime to release all political prisoners immediately.

The Way Forward: #FreeAllPoliticalPrisonersInUganda

Our fight is not just for the freedom of political prisoners; it is a fight for the restoration of human dignity, the rule of law, and the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution. Every Ugandan deserves the right to speak, organize, and protest without fear of persecution.

We call on all Ugandans, the African Union, the United Nations, and the global community to stand with us in demanding the unconditional release of all political prisoners. These individuals are not criminals; they are patriots fighting for the future of our country.

How You Can Help

  1. Raise Awareness: Share their stories. Use the hashtag #FreeAllPoliticalPrisonersInUganda to bring attention to their plight.
  2. Pressure the Government: Call on your local representatives, human rights organizations, and international bodies to condemn the imprisonment of political prisoners in Uganda.
  3. Support the Families: Many families of political prisoners are struggling due to the loss of their loved ones. You can offer financial or moral support through established solidarity funds.


The time for change is now. Uganda cannot move forward as long as its people are chained by fear and repression. The release of political prisoners is not just a political issue; it is a matter of justice, human rights, and national healing. Join the movement, raise your voice, and demand the freedom of all political prisoners in Uganda.

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Justin: Rt. Hon. Mathias Mpuuga asked to Resign After Admitting Taking Irregular Service Award 500 Million



Former Leader of Opposition in Parliament Mathias Mpuuga asked to Resign by the NUP party to resign from the position of Commissioner of Parliament after admitting to having taken part in an irregular service award amounting to UGX 500 million.

Mathias Mpuuga asked to Resign
Former Leader of Opposition in Parliament Mathias Mpuuga

There is an ongoing online protest under the hashtag #UgandaParliamentExhibition. The protest aims at exposing the massive corruption, abuse of office and gross mismanagement of public affairs by the leadership of Parliament and other leaders.

Unfortunately, the protest has not only revealed grand corruption on the side of NRM leaders. Some leaders on the opposition side have had serious allegations of corruption leveled against them. Specifically, our former Leader of the Opposition in Parliament and current Parliamentary Commissioner, Rt. Hon. Mathias Mpuuga alongside three other Parliamentary Commissioners have been accused of irregularly awarding themselves huge sums of tax-payers’ money on the pretext of “Service Awards”. Under the scheme, Rt. Hon. Mpuuga was allocated 500,000,000/= (Five Hundred Million Uganda Shillings).

On Wednesday 28th February 2024, the President convened an urgent meeting comprised of senior leaders of the Party including all Deputy Presidents and some of our senior legislators. At the meeting, Rt. Hon. Mpuuga admitted that he indeed took part in this wrong doing and apologised for the same. In light of this, he was strongly advised that the moral thing to do in the circumstances is to step down from his role as Parliamentary Commissioner with immediate effect.

The nation will recall that the values of the National Unity Platform are Discipline, Reliability, Inclusiveness, Integrity, Patriotism and Service. All actions of corruption and abuse of office go contrary to these values. They also go contrary to the Integrity Oath which every leader of the Party swore at the start of this term.

We therefore ask our leaders at all levels to do self-reflection and recommit themselves to these values and the Oath they took to shun and fight corruption in all its forms.

Mathias Mpuuga asked to Resign
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