
NUP dominates Oyam by-election polls



A credible survey conducted by independent sources has revealed that the opposition National Unity Platform party candidate for the looming Oyam by-election Mr. Daniel Okello is leading all odds to become the next legislator of this constituency.

Mr. Okello, a celebrated politician in Oyam District is hailed for his tremendous success in championship livelihood emancipation within the region.

“He has been making credible projects like poultry, donating seeds for farmers and as well rehabilitating young people. He has been doing this with his hard earned little money. We feel we owe him a lot,” one Oyam resident said. “We will vote for him to send our message of frustration to government. We know the death of our beloved son Charles Engola was due to government failure to pay attention to its disgruntled troops. We can’t make another mistake to vote an NRM candidate when we know it’s NRM that caused the murder of our son. We will vote for NUP,” said another Oyam local.

Another Oyam resident says he finds it disturbing that the son to the late Minister Engola is even willing to carry the NRM party flag.

“How do you even join a party that killed your father? It’s an abnomination in our culture,” she said.

A present poll indicates that in every 10 people, 7 prefer the NUP candidate while two would prefer UPC’s Dr. Eunice Apio.

Those nominated include; Dr Eunice Apio Otuko of Uganda People’s Congress (UPC), Mr Samuel Engola Okello Junior of National Resistance Movement (NRM), Mr Freddy Newton Okello of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), and Mr Daniel Okello of National Unity Platform (NUP).

The Oyam county seat fell vacant earlier last month after a distressed UPDF soldier Pte. Wilson Sabiiti gunned down the junior Minister for Labour Rtd. Col. Charles Okello Engola.

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