Schools in Kibuku District under Museveni regime.
This is located in Kakutu Parish.
Here is BUTOLOI PRIMARY SCHOOL in Kakutu Parish, Kabweeri Constituency, Kibuku District. With over 325 pupils, the school has no structures. Only P.6 and P.7 pupils study in an unroofed church. The rest of the pupils study under trees. The school has only 5 teachers, including the headmaster! The latrine, in a sorry state, is shared by teachers and pupils.
The true state of our nation, after 38 years of Museveni rule. What do they spend our taxes on? Living in extreme luxury, organising parties, buying luxurious jets and cars, and keeping the balance in offshore accounts! While they steal away the future of the generations to come. The true reason we must rise up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.