
Spy who led abduction at Buganda Road court identified



A security operative who spearheaded the plot to abduct a one Ssegawa yesterday at Buganda Road Court has been named.

Mugisha Paul Kansiime, an operative attached to the Internal Security Organization-ISO was yesterday seen inside the courtroom preying Mr. Ssegawa as he made contact with the team outside waiting to effect an arrest.

Inside court, Mr. Ssegawa notified the magistrate that Kansiime was an operative who has been trailing him from the time he left home for court.

“Your worship, I want to bring to your attention that this man right there has been following me from home. I don’t know what exactly he wants from me,”Mr. Ssegawa told the magistrate.

The magistrate asked the man to identify himself and he failed to make a convincing argument justifying his presence in court. He said he is a security officer, but could not clearly explain why he was in court. This prompted the judge to order for his arrest.

As he was being taken to the Central Police Station to make a statement, the operative sought reinforcement from his waiting colleagues who then apprehended Mr. Ssegawa as he walked out of Buganda Road court premises.

The Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson Patrick Onyango justified the arrest of Mr. Ssegawa, stating that there was a court order from a local court in Mpigi that had granted police the mandate to effect an arrest.

“Ssegawa has been a fugitive on the run. He has a court arrest warrant that empowered any police officer to arrest him. He was picked up that way because he tried to resist yet our officers had identified themselves to him,” said Onyango

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