
“You are on your own,” AG Kiwanuka tells brutal security officers



The Attorney General of the Government of Uganda who is also the Principal legal officer Hon. Kiryowa Kiwanuka has advised government authorities that his office won’t address anybody sued in their singular limit with regards to doing unapproved captures of people.

“Right Honorable Prime Minister, I have denied and I have composed, on the off chance that an individual is brought before me in a common matter for which there is obvious proof of torment, I have requested that that such individuals represent themselves,” Mr Kiryowa said

”There is no great explanation to perform a capture. In the event that you are the State, and you are acting in the legitimate power of the state, approach the individual and request that they escort you and assuming they deny, utilize sensible power to make it happen,” he said.

Mr Kiryowa was answering the leader of the Uganda Regulation Society, Mr Bernard Oundo, who grumbled about unlawful captures and confinement at a similar occasion.

The opposition youths perceived as hostile to government were captured during the 2021 political campaign time frame by disguised men and whisked away in the scandalous drones and to-date have never been seen again. So many families wail in agony and dwell in despair. NUP leaders have been trying to make a series of outreaches to such stranded families and apparently the party is supporting over 167 children of school going age.

Mr Oundo grumbled about the mode and way of capture which at times is dehumanizing and repudiates the fundamental sacred arrangements that expect that anybody captured is educated regarding the justification behind his capture, given admittance to a legal counselor and charged in no less than 48 hours .”

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